Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Exercising After Tubal Reversal

Another question some women have after tubal reversal is about exercising. When can I start exercising again? The answer goes back to two different things.

First, it depends upon the tubal ligation reversal doctor that you chose for your surgeon. What type of surgery does he perform? Some doctors may not take the time to separate the muscles in the lower abdomen by slowly cutting through the connective tissue. Instead they will cut through the muscles themselves. In this case, you are going to have a much longer recovery time than mentioned in our last post and a subsequently longer time till you can do strenuous exercise.

However, if you chose a doctor who does take the time then you should be able to get back to your exercise sooner. Just remember you have had an incision, possibly more depending upon the type of surgery done, and it is in your abdomen. Take it easy and let it all heal fully after tubal reversal before putting your body under a lot of strain. It would be too bad to let all that hard work go for naught.

Lastly, remember that 15 pound weight lifting limit for at least a month. Again, let your body heal after tubal reversal surgery.